Goal: Make toggle logic so clear, it reads like plain English.

“What really matters is how well your code communicates to the people who are going to read it later.” — Kent C. Dodds (Fixate Podcast)

TL;DR: A hook to standardize toggle verbs & states in React.


Define nouns - myModal or myCheckbox instead of isMyModalOpen or isMyCheckboxChecked.

Invoke verbs - open, close, toggle, etc. to change a noun’s state - open(myModal).

Read state - via noun.state - like myModal.isOpen

const [nouns, verbs] = useWords()
const { open } = verbs            // **standerd verbs:** open/close/toggle **(+/-/♾️)**
const { sidebar, custom } = nouns // create your own **custom toggle nouns**
open(sidebar)                     // updates all +states to true (isOpen/isOn/etc.)
sidebar.isOpen === true           // **standerd states:** isOpen/isClosed **(+/-)**


yarn add words
npm i -S words

Concept: verb(noun) + noun.state

After examining a laundry list of common UI elements a pattern emerged:

  1. verb(noun) → the action you’d naturally speak → check(checkbox)
  2. noun.state → a simple boolean: is it on or off → checkbox.isChecked

That is exactly what useWords codifies through a growing dictionary of +verbs (on), -verbs (off), and a universal ♾️verb (toggle). By leveraging useVerbs, useNoun, or useWords hooks, we can unify naming across our application, so every UI element’s behavior feels natural and consistent.

API Overview

const [nouns, verbs] = useWords(...defaultState[]?)

UI State Lexicon